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Der Rhythm & Blues-Jahrgang 1959 Pt.1

Erstsendung am 02.03.2016

Y Nr Artist Song Record-Label Year USA RB CW GB BRD
* 003 Clovers Stay Awhile 8949 1959
* 004 Big Maybelle I Ain'T Got Nobody 1595 1959
* 006 Four Knights Where Is The Love 62110 1959
* 007 Platters Remember When 71467 1959 41 25
* 009 Tommy Edwards Honestly & Truly 12837 1959 65
* 010 Clyde Mc Phatter Masquerade Is Over 12780 1959
* 012 Roy Hamilton Blue Prelude 9307 1959
* 013 Flamingos Dream Of A Lifetime 915 1959
* 015 Five Keys Dream On 5273 1959
* 016 Dukes Looking For You 343 1959
* 018 Little Anthony & The Imperials So Near & Yet So Far 1053 1959
* 019 Danleers Your Love 71441 1959
* 021 James Brown Try Me 12337 1959 48 1
* 022 Clydie King Our Romance 605 1959
* 024 Nappy Brown Down In The Alley 1582 1959
* 025 Little Willie John Let Nobody Love You 5219 1959 108
* 027 Ivory Joe Hunter Now I Don'T Worry No More 2020 1959
* 028 Sarah Vaughan Are You Certain 71407 1959
* 030 Jerry Butler Couldn'T Go To Sleep 1030 1959
* 032 Hal Paige After Hours Blues 1024 1959

20 Einträge insgesamt