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Der Rhythm & Blues-Jahrgang 1953 Pt.1

Erstsendung am 05.01.2016

Y Nr Artist Song Record-Label Year USA RB CW GB BRD
* 003 Orioles Crying In The Chapel JUBILEE 5122 1953 11 1
* 004 Robins A Fool Such As I RCA 47-5175 1953
* 005 Sparrows Tell Me Baby JAY-DEE 783 1953
* 006 Crows I Love You So RAMA 005 1953
* 008 Vocaleers Is It A Dream RED ROBIN 114 1953 4
* 010 Effie Smith Cry Baby Cry DYNAMIC 1002 1953
* 011 Alberta Adams Messin' Around With The Blues CHESS 1551 1953
* 012 Christine Kittrell I'Ll Help You Baby REPUBLIC 7044 1953
* 014 Dolly Cooper You Gotta Be Good To Yourself SAVOY 1121 1953
* 016 Lowell Fulson Let Me Ride Your Little Automobile SWING TIME 325 1953
* 017 Elmore James Sinful Woman METEOR 5003 1953
* 018 Muddy Waters Sad Sad Day CHESS 1537 1953
* 020 Arbee Stidham Don'T Set Your Cap For Me CHECKER 778 1953
* 022 Hal Paige Break Of Day Blues ATLANTIC 996 1953
* 023 Jimmy Witherspoon Fast Woman Slow Gin FEDERAL 12155 1953
* 025 Flamingos Plan For Love CHANCE 1149 1953
* 026 Casanovas I Don'T Want You To Go APOLLO 477 1953
* 028 Johnny Ace Clock DUKE 112 1953 1

18 Einträge insgesamt