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Der Rhythm & Blues-Jahrgang 1957 Pt.2

Erstsendung am 03.08.2016

Y Nr Artist Song Record-Label Year USA RB CW GB BRD
* 003 Lee Andrews & The Hearts Teardrops 1675 1957 20 4
* 004 Turbans Valley Of Love 495 1957
* 006 Keytones A Fool In Love 1041 1957
* 007 Romeos Moments To Remember You By 6061 1957
* 009 Sharps Our Love Is Here To Stay 2007 1957
* 010 Spaniels You'Re Gonna Cry 257 1957
* 012 Robins A Fool In Love 206 1957
* 013 Billy Ward & The Dominoes Deep Purple 55096 1957 20 30
* 015 Ella Fitzgerald Let'S Do It 10050 1957
* 016 Nat King Cole You Are My First Love 3619 1957 65
* 018 Della Reese And That Reminds Me 5292 1957 12
* 019 Brook Benton The Wall 9199 1957
* 021 Johnny Nash I'Ll Walk Alone ABC-PARAM. 9844 1957
* 023 Johnny Mathis It'S Not For Me To Say 40851 1957 5
* 024 Clyde Mc Phatter I Make Believe 1117 1957
* 026 Roy Hamilton The Aisle 9224 1957
* 028 Platters Only Because 71184 1957 65
* 030 Tony Williams When You Return 71158 1957
* 032 Al Hibbler Because Of You 30268 1957

19 Einträge insgesamt