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1216 Smash/SSS-Intern.

Smash/SSS-International-Story (Shelby Singleton 16.12.1931)

Wer in Gottes Namen ist...?

Shelby Singleton schreibt 1957 seine ersten Rockabilly-Klassiker für Papa Dailey's STARDAY-Label.

Er managt dort in Tennessee auch seinen Labelableger DIXIE und gründet 1961 dann sein erstes eigenes Label SMASH in Nashville. Ab 1967 kommt dann mit SSS-International (S-helby S-ingleton S-ingles) ein Soullabel hinzu, das nicht nur in den Südstaaten popluär wird.

Erstsendung am 16.12.2016

Y Nr Artist Song Record-Label Year USA RB CW GB BRD
* 003 Festivals Music SMASH 2056 1966
* 005 Bettye La Vette & Hank Ballard Let'S Go Let'S Go Let'S Go SSS INTL. 946 1970
* 007 Bill Mack It'S Saturday Night STARDAY 280 1957
* 009 Benny Joy Spin The Bottle DIXIE 2001 1958
* 011 Gene Wyatt Prettiest Girl At The Dance LUCKY SEVEN 101 1959
* 013 Les Cole Be Boppin' Daddy D 1010 1958
* 015 Leroy Van Dyke Walk On By MERCURY 71834 1961 5 1 5 14
* 017 Margie Singleton I'Ll Just Walk On By MERCURY 71928 1961
* 019 Margie Singleton Walking Back To Happiness MERCURY 72124 1963
* 021 Dusty Springfield Live It Up PHILIPS 40245 1964 100
* 023 Dusty Springfield I Only Want To Be With You PHILIPS 40163 1964 12 4
* 025 Paramours (Aka Bill Medley) Prison Break (N) SMASH 1701 1961
* 027 James Brown Evil (I) SMASH 1898 1964
* 029 Jerry Lee Lewis Baby Hold Me Close SMASH 1969 1965 129
* 031 Jerry Lee Lewis I'M On Fire SMASH 1886 1964 98
* 033 Charlie Rich I Washed My Hands In Muddy Wat SMASH 1993 1965
* 035 Tommy Duncan Let Me Take You Out SMASH 2073 1966
* 037 Swingin' Medallions She Drives Me Out Of My Mind SMASH 2050 1966 71 21
* 039 Swingin' Medallions Double Shot (Of My Baby'S Love) SMASH 2033 1966 17
* 041 Satisfactions Take It Or Leave It SMASH 2098 1967
* 043 Jimmy Castor Bunch Magic Saxophone SMASH 2085 1966
* 045 Ambers Another Love SMASH 2111 1967
* 047 Danny Woods 90 Days In County Jail SMASH 2106 1967
* 049 Blues Magoos Gotta Get Away MERCURY 72622 1967
* 051 Blues Magoos (We Ain'T Got) Nothin' Yet MERCURY 72622 1967 5
* 053 Mickey Murray Shout Bamalama SSS INTL. 715 1967 54 11
* 055 Clarence Murray Don'T Talk Like That SSS INTL. 756 1968
* 056 Jo Jo Benson & Peggy Scott Here With Me SSS INTL. 736 1968
* 058 Danny White Natural Soul Brother SSS INTL. 754 1969
* 060 Sam Dees Lonely For You Baby SSS INTL. 732 1968
* 062 Johnny Soul Lonely Man SSS INTL. 785 1969
* 064 Gloria Taylor You Got To Pay The Price SILVER FOX 14 1969 49 9
* 066 Reuben Bell Action Speaks Louder Than Words SILVER FOX 8 1968
* 068 Bettye La Vette He Made A Woman Out Of Me SILVER FOX 17 1969
* 070 Bettye La Vette My Train'S Coming In SILVER FOX 24 1970
* 071 Al Downing Cornbread Row SILVER FOX 3 1969
* 073 Robert Parker You Shakin' Things Up SILVER FOX 12 1969
* 075 Robert Parker You See Me SILVER FOX 12 1969
* 077 Big John Hamilton Go Ahead On MINARET UNREL. 1969
* 079 Big John Hamilton Them Changes MINARET 159 1970
* 081 Johnny & Lilly Sufferin' City WET SOUL 2 1971
* 083 Inspirations Touch Me Kiss Me Hold Me BLACK PEARL 100 1967
* 085 Harlow Wilcox Groovy Grubworm (I) PLANTATION 28 1969 30
* 087 Jeannie C. Riley Harper Valley P.T.A. PLANTATION 3 1968 1 1 12 31
* 089 Johnny Cash Luther Played The Boogie SUN 316 1959 8
* 091 Billy Emerson Little Fine Healthy Thing SUN 233 1955
* 093 Jack Earls Slow Down SUN 240 1956
* 095 Lonzine Cannon Quit While I'M Ahead PHILIPS 40220 1964
* 097 Al Downing Medley Of Soul SILVER FOX 11 1969

49 Einträge insgesamt