RRM: Überblick | 001+ | 050+ | 100+ | 150+ | 200+ | 250+ | 300+ | 350+ | 400+ | 450+ | 500+| 550+ |

RRM170-Sendung 076

RRM-Ausgabe RRM170 Glockenlieder

Erstausstrahlung NDR 220.12.198220:05 Uhr  
Ohrfunk07.08.201620:00 Uhr08.08.201612:07 Uhr
www.Memory-Lane-Radio.de11.10.201621:00 Uhr15.10.201611:00 Uhr

* Uhrzeiten können leicht abweichen

Anzahl Songs: 21

Y NR Artist Song Record-Label Year USA RB CW GB BRD
* 101 The Moods Rockin' Santa Claus 184 1960
102 Nicky St. Clair & The Five Trojans I Hear Those Bells Edison International 410 1959
103 The Van Dykes The Bells Are Ringing King 5158 1958
* 104 The Marcels Crazy Bells LP CP-416 1961
105 The Halos Crazy Bells Warwick LP W-2046 1961
106 Carlo Ring A Ling Laurie 3227 1963
107 The Edsels Bells Dub 2843 1958
* 108 The Echoes Ding Dong 1028 1957
109 Tony Orlando with The Milos Ding Dong Milo 101 1959
* 110 The Cadets Church Bells May Ring 985 1956
111 Tony Passalaqua & The Fascinators Chapel Bells Capitol F4053 1956
* 112 Tiny Tim & The Hits Wedding Bells 4123 1958
113 The Memories Love Bells Way-Lin 101 1962
* 114 Ral Donner Bells Of Love 5129 1962
* 115 The Dell-Vikings Whispering Bells 214 1957 9 5
116 The Drifters The Bells Of St. Mary Atlantic 1048 1954
117 The Tokens The Bells Of St. Mary B.T. Puppy 513 1965
118 The Four Lovers White Christmas RCA LP LPM-1317 1956
119 The Admirations The Bells Of Rosa Rita Mercury 71521 1959
120 Three Aces And A Joker Sleigh Bells Rock GRC Records 104 1960
121 Link Wray & The Ray Men Big Ben Swan LP S-510 1953

21 Einträge insgesamt