RRM: Überblick | 001+ | 050+ | 100+ | 150+ | 200+ | 250+ | 300+ | 350+ | 400+ | 450+ | 500+| 550+ |

RRM325-Sendung 154

RRM-Ausgabe RRM325 Aladdin Records, Teil 2

Erstausstrahlung NDR 426.06.199519:15 Uhr  
Ohrfunk04.02.201820:00 Uhr05.02.201812:07 Uhr
www.Memory-Lane-Radio.de10.04.201821:00 Uhr14.04.201811:00 Uhr

* Uhrzeiten können leicht abweichen

Anzahl Songs: 18

Y NR Artist Song Record-Label Year USA RB CW GB BRD
* 101 Amos Milburn Chicken Shack Boogie 3332 1956 1
* 102 The Jivers Little Mama 3329 1956
* 103 Bob Ehret & Orchestra Stop The Clock 3377 1957
104 Little Wilbur Whitfield & The Pleasers P.B. Baby Aladdin 3381 1957
* 105 Big 'T' Tyler Sadie Green 3384 1957
* 106 Thurston Harris Be Baba Leba 3415 1957
* 107 Marvin & Johnny Smack Smack 3408 1957
108 The Minorbops I Want You For My Own Lamp 2012 1957
* 109 Doyle Wilson with Jimmy Lacey Band You're The One For Me 2015 1957
110 The Daybreakers Up, Up And Away Lamp 2016 1958
111 Sugar & Pee Wee One, Two, Let's Rock Aladdin 3416 1958
112 John & Jackie The Raging Sea Aladdin 3425 1958
113 Johnny Inman & The Impollos You Never Realized Aladdin 3426 1958
114 Gary Van & The Starlights Rockin' Too Much Intro 9000 1958
* 115 Bobby Wall with Howard Biggs & Band Baby It's Too Much 3433 1958
* 116 The Brown Brothers Am I To Be The One 3445 1959
* 117 Charles Simms Take A Bath 3446 1960
* 118 Michael & The Majestics Midnight Runner MM-I-A 1963

18 Einträge insgesamt